Home 5 Research 5 Projects


Duration: 2021-2026


Coordinator: Christophe Snoeck

Participants: Filipa Cortesão Silva (CIAS)

Partner institutions: Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Financial support: Financiamento: H2020-EU.1.1. Excellent Science. European Research Council (ERC). Starting Grants (2020)

Reference: Grant agreement ID: 948913

Duration: 2021-2023

Abstract: This project proposes a three-year action plan for the requalification and valorization of the archaeological and paleontological heritage of the Mesolithic complex of Muge (Central Portugal), classified as National Monument since 2011

Coordinator (PI): Célia Gonçalves and Cláudia Umbelino (CIAS)

Financial support: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal

Reference: ALG-01-0145-FEDER-29680

Duration: 2021-2023


The main objectives of this research and valorization project are:

  • Studies of archaeological contexts and inventory and valorization of their collections,
  • Creation of a heritage sensitivity map of the historical center of Almada,
  • To consolidate Almada City Council’s public archaeology service,
  • Execution of programmed archaeological works, in a framework of urban archaeology,
  • Development of interaction strategies between the community and the archaeological and built heritage.

Coordinator: André Teixeira (CHAM)

Participants: Francisco Curate (CIAS)

Partner institutions: Câmara Municipal de Almada / CHAM — Centro de Humanidades da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Financial support: Câmara Municipal de Almada

Duration: 2021-2023

Abstract: The Muge and Sado sites in Portugal are exceptional in many aspects. Dated from the late Mesolithic, they delivered the human remains of the last hunter-gatherers from Portugal and Europe. Estimated at nearly 400 individuals, buried within the shellmiddens, these series represent the largest European sample for this period. However, taphonomic processes, particularly the weight of sediments and shells, have affected the bones (fragmentation, deformation, crushing) and do not always allow a complete study of the individuals using a classical approach.

The main objective of this study is, based on three-dimensional imaging data, to virtually reconstruct individuals from the Portuguese Mesolithic corpus in order to better understand the cranial morphological variability of the last hunter-gatherers in Portugal. This objective will be completed by paleodemographic and palaeopathological studies.

Key words: Late mesolithic; three-dimensional imaging; 3D reconstructions; geometric morphometry; paleodemography; paleopathology

Coordinator: Dany Coutinho Nogueira (CIAS)

Supervisor: Cláudia Umbelino (CIAS – University of Coimbra)

Financial support: Fondation Fyssen

Duration: 2021-2022


Coordinator:  Gonçalo Santos (CIAS)

Financial support: Bolsa de Apoio à “Promoção da Cultura Científica”, Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar da Universidade de Coimbra

Reference: IT0176.I.D1

Duration: 16/09/2021-15/01/2022

Abstract: The project has pursued a dual objective. On one hand, it aimed to study the evolution of rural settlement in the Municipality of Santaella (Cordoba, Spain) from Prehistory to the Contemporary Age. In this regard, archaeological surveys have been carried out, with special attention given to the Protohistoric, Roman, and Late Antique Periods. On the other hand, a Heritage Charter has been developed, which has served as a tool for heritage management for the municipal and regional governments.

Coordinator: Mercedes Oria-Segura

Participants: Enrique García-Vargas, Luis-Gethsemaní Pérez-Aguilar (CIAS)

Financial support: Contrato com empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU), Ayuntamiento de Santaella e a Universidad de Sevilla

Reference: 4325/1133

Duration: 2021


Coordinator: Yichen Rao (CIAS)


Partner institutions:

Financial support: Universitas2021


Duration: 2021


Coordinator: Gonçalo Santos (CIAS)

Financial support: Bolsa de Apoio “Verão com Ciência 2021″, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia


Duration: 2020-2024

Abstract:  The project aims to investigate the relationship between chronic stress, age, health conditions, and immune status concerning the development and severity of syphilis in documented skeletal samples. It seeks to enhance our understanding of historical factors influencing disease vulnerability and their impact on human experiences. The research may also offer insights for modern syphilis screening and diagnosis by identifying host characteristics associated with persistent infection.

The research team will analyse human host traits linked to syphilis resolution in early stages (primary, secondary) and persistence in late stages (tertiary), which can lead to severe symptoms and even death. They will use data from skeletal collections, looking into factors like chronic stress, nutrition, age, co-morbid diseases, and excessive inflammation (hyper-inflammatory response/phenotype) associated with late-stage syphilis. Additionally, they plan to develop a multi-stage interpretive model for bioarchaeological studies of syphilis, enabling the reconstruction of a host’s immune status during early and late-stage infection.

The University of Coimbra, with the participation of researcher Célia Lopes from CIAS, will collaborate on this project, providing access to identified osteological collections, namely to the individuals previously identified as having suffered from syphilis during their lives.

Coordinator: Molly Zuckerman

Participants: Célia Cristina Rodrigues Lopes (CIAS)

Partner institutions: Universidade Estatal do Mississippi

Financial support: Nacional Science Fundation (USA)

Reference: 1946203

Duration: January 2020 – June 2023



Participants: Jun Zhang

Partner institutions:

Financial support: Research Grants Council Early Career Scheme (RGC/ECS), Hong Kong
