Home 5 Pessoas 5 Jun Zhang

Jun Zhang

Perfil Orcid

Perfil Ciência Vitae

Interesses de Investigação
Transformação Social
Cultura material
Desenvolvimento Urbano
Mobilidade, Infraestrutura e Política Espacial

Jun Zhang é uma antropóloga social-cultural cujos projetos de pesquisa situam-se na interseção entre cultura material, estudos urbanos e estudos de desenvolvimento. A questão central de sua pesquisa é a transformação social, particularmente as lacunas, ambiguidades, as contradições e as interações entre as grandes narrativas e as práticas mundanas, com um enfoque regional na China.


Comparative Development in Asia; Society and Politics; Urban Culture and Society; Urbanization in China; Problem-based Studies of Selected Asian Societies and Region.

Principais Publicações

2022b. “What Is Shared in Shared Bikes?: Mobility, Space, and Capital.” Mobilities. DOI:10.1080/17450101.2022.2099755.

2022a. “Hardening National Boundaries in a Globally Connected World: Technology, Development, andNationalismin Contemporary Urban China.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2021.2001841

  1. “Driving toward Modernity: The Car and Middle-Class Lives in Contemporary South China.” Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
  1. “Materializing a Form of Urban Governance: When Street Building Intersected with City Building in Republican Canton (Guangzhou), China.” History and Technology 33 (2):153-174.
  1. “When Are You Going to Get Married?” Parental Matchmaking and Middle-class Women in Contemporary Urban China.” (with Peidong Sun; first author). In Wives, Husbands, and Lovers: Marriage and Sexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Urban China, edited by Deborah Davis and Sara Friedman, 118-144. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Projectos de Investigação

“Women and Birth in Transition: The Politics of Childbirth Medicalization in Reform Era China” (with Dr. Gonçalo Santos)

“Demolishing thewalls, Rebuild the city: Infrastructural Transformation and the Emergence of Urban Governance in Republican Canton, China”.

“Old Neighbourhoods, New Spaces: Urban Reconstruction and Governance in China’s Urbanization”.

Creative Output

Producer and host of the book talk podcast series “TechnoViews”