Home 5 Projetos 5 Requalification of the Leiria Castle (Duration: 2009–2011)

Requalification of the Leiria Castle (Duration: 2009–2011)

Duration: July 10, 2009 – December 31, 2011

Abstract: The project corresponds to an archaeological investigation of the Castelo de Leiria (Castle of Leiria) which comprises several specific objectives: the detection, study, conservation and development of the monument, using methods and techniques of archeology, including the study of stored archeological material, surveys (systematic and geophysical), architectonical documentation, and excavations. The planned actions are envisaged in order to contribute to the enhancement and preservation of heritage for sustainable development and promotion of cultural tourism in the city and the region of Leiria, and to increase the community identity.

Coordinator: Vânia Cecília Marques Carvalho, Câmara Municipal de Leiria

Participants: Ana Luísa Santos (CIAS), Eugénia Maria Guedes Pinto Antunes da Cunha (CIAS) e Susana Cláudia Ribeiro Marques de Carvalho.

Partner institutions: Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação da Região Centro, Centro Rovisco Pais

Financial support: “Parcerias para a Regeneração Urbana” – eixo 2 – Desenvolvimento das cidades e dos sistemas urbanos, do Programa Operacional Regional do Centro, tendo sido aprovado em 2009. O projecto encontra-se incluído no Programa de Acção Local para a Regeneração Urbana do Centro Histórico de Leiria (PALOR). FEDER e Autarquia Local. O PNTA foi aprovado pelas tutelas: DRCC e IGESPAR, IP.