Home 5 Projetos 5 iLab.Arq: Geoarchaeology methodological research applied to cultural heritage protocols (Duration: 2010-2013)

iLab.Arq: Geoarchaeology methodological research applied to cultural heritage protocols (Duration: 2010-2013)

Duration: 2010 – 2013

Abstract: The “Dryas iLab.Arq” project is co-promoted with three different research centers from the University of Coimbra and participated by another university (Geosciences department, Universidade of Évora) and two private R&D entities from France and Brazil. It consists of a structured program of transdisciplinar industrial research (Geoarchaeology, Geophysics, Geomatics, Bioanthropology, Micromorphology and Luminescence) and experimental development in the area of Cultural Heritage management. The project’s aim is to create innovative production processes based on the development of combined applications of advanced technology resources and information technology with the results of state of the art fundamental research in the scientific areas of Geoarchaeology and Bioanthropology, mainly produced in universitary research context. The projects results are expected to introduce dramatic efficiency and quality gains to Cultural Heritage salvation and management operations. Significant impact is expected both directly to the Cultural Heritage industry and indirectly to the Tourism and Construction sectors, both strategic to the Portuguese economy.

Coordinator: Miguel Almeida, Dryas Arqueologia

Participants (CIAS): Maria João Neves, Maria Teresa Ferreira, Eugénia Cunha, Ana Maria Silva, Sofia Wasterlain e Cláudia Umbelino.

Partner institutions: Department of Life Sciences; Department of Mathematics and Department of Earth Sciences, FCTUC and Department of Geography of the University of Coimbra, Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Évora.

Financial support: QREN – Quadro Estratégico de Referência Nacional; MaisCentro; European Union