Home 5 Projetos 5 Em Curso 5 Proyecto FACTUS, Formación Arqueológica de Campo y Territorio en la Universidad de Sevilla (Duration: 2018-2025)

Proyecto FACTUS, Formación Arqueológica de Campo y Territorio en la Universidad de Sevilla (Duration: 2018-2025)

Duration: 2018-2025

Abstract: FACTUS (Formación Arqueológica de Campo y Territorio de la Universidad de Sevilla – Field and Territory Archaeological Training at the University of Seville) is an implementation project for the coordination and improvement of the teaching activity in the Degree in Archaeology at the University of Seville. It designs a series of fundamental learning support activities of an innovative nature and teaching excellence involving a large number of participants, both students and teachers. It includes theoretical and practical activities in classrooms, practical activities outside the classroom and, especially, the participation of a large number of students in an archaeological research project, which takes place in one of the key archaeological sites of Andalusian Prehistory, Cueva de la Dehesilla.

Coordinator: Daniel Garcia Rivero (University of Seville, and CIAS)

Financial support: Vice-Rectorate for Academic Organisation, University of Seville.