Home 5 Projetos 5 Characterization of Dental Morphology in Middle Guadiana River in the Final Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic (Duration: 2010–2014)

Characterization of Dental Morphology in Middle Guadiana River in the Final Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic (Duration: 2010–2014)

Fundaments for Morphological Mapping of Local Populations in Recent Prehistory

Duration: 2010 – 2014

Abstract: This PhD project aims at the characterization of the dental morphology in individuals exhumed from the necropolis the Chalcolithic enclosure of Perdigões (Reguengos de Monsaraz) and those exhumed from the coeval sepulcher of Cerro de las Baterías (La Albuera, Badajoz), both in the Guadiana River Basin. This characterization will be carried out based on the methodology proposed by the Arizona State University Dental Anthropology System (ASUDAS). These non metrical dental traits, as well as the osteologic non metric traits of maxillaries and mandibles will be compared in order to infer about genetic affinities both intra and inter-group. Results will be compared with those from a control site from the coastal region of Portugal, the dental sample from the tholos of Paimogo I, in order to identify local patterns of non metric traits that can be attributed to the Guadiana basin. This will be the first systematic study on dental morphology for dental collections dated from the Final Neolithic-Early Chalcolithic in Portugal.

Coordinator: Ana Maria Silva (CIAS, FCTUC) e Joel D. Irish (Department of Anthropology, University of Alaska ‐ Fairbanks)

Participants: Claudia Cunha (CIAS)

Financial support: Bolsa de Doutoramento Individual, SFRH/BD/70495/2010 ‐ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia