Home 5 Projetos 5 Anthropization of Spaces – Natural resource adaptation and human occupation continuity in the Pre and Proto-History of Estremadura (Portugal) (Duration: 2010–2014)

Anthropization of Spaces – Natural resource adaptation and human occupation continuity in the Pre and Proto-History of Estremadura (Portugal) (Duration: 2010–2014)

Duration: 2010 – 2014

Abstract: This project aims at the continuation of the research recently developed in the Estremadura Limestone Massif (Alvados and Alvaiázere) and its neighbor region of North Ribatejo (Nabão Valley limestone massif), focusing on the human occupation of this area over Pre, Proto and Historic periods. Its goal is to involve transdisciplinary teams, coordinated by the Prehistory Center, the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and their associated researchers. This context encompasses the study of the human remains exhumed during excavations at several burial caves in Alvados.

Coordinator: Ana Rosa Cruz (Prehistory Center, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar)

Participants: Tiago Tomé

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