Home 5 Projetos 5 An Investigation into the Microscopic and Macroscopic Heat-induced Changes in Bone and their Application to the Archaeological Context (Duration: 2010–2011)

An Investigation into the Microscopic and Macroscopic Heat-induced Changes in Bone and their Application to the Archaeological Context (Duration: 2010–2011)

Duration: 2010 – 2011

Abstract: The aim of this project is two-fold. First, we are undertaking both macroscopic and microscopic analyses of bone in order to tease out the specific heat-induced changes from changes due to normal bone decomposition. Second, we aim to take these results and conclusions and apply them to archaeological bone material from Portugal and Britain (Iron Age to Anglo-Saxon period). From this, we should be able to make conclusions about the funerary process and pyre methodologies.

Coordinator: Eugénia Cunha (CIAS, U. Coimbra) and Tim J. U. Thompson (U. Teesside)

Participants: David Miguel da Silveira Gonçalves (CIAS)

Partner institutions: University of Coimbra (E. Cunha) and the University of Teesside (T. Thompson).

Financial support: Acção Integrada NB ‐ 3/10 (Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas/The British Council).