Home 5 Pessoas 5 Marina Ródenas Munar

Marina Ródenas Munar

Perfil Orcid

Interesses de Investigação
Dieta mediterrânica
Obesidade Infantil
Estilo de vida

Datas da visita: 18 de setembro a 20 de dezembro 2024

PhD student – Research Group on Community Nutrition & Oxidative Stress (NUCOX) at the University of Balearic Islands (UIB). Department of Fundamental Biology and Health Sciences.

Web NUCOX: https://www.uib.es/es/recerca/estructures/grups/grup/NUCOX/

Social media: grupnucox_uib (Instagram and Twitter)

Affiliations: CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition and Balearic Islands Health Research Institute Foundation (IdISBa).