Daniel García-Rivero is currently Associate Professor of Prehistory at the University of Seville. His research line is characterised by the application of evolutionary theory to archaeology. He is mainly dedicated to the Late Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula and its European, Mediterranean and African contexts. I am interested in the origin and evolution of farming societies. I am also interested in epistemological issues and in archaeological theories, hence my work on the methodological development of evolutionary theory in respect to its application to the study of human behaviour and material culture.

Daniel García Rivero
Perfil Orcid
Perfil Ciência Vitae
Interesses de Investigação |
Archaeology |
Prehistory |
Evolution |
Cultural transmission |
Farming and livestock societies |
Ensino |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D. The Neolithic of the Iberian Peninsula: an introduction to the current state of knowledge. Philosophische Fakultät, Universität zu Köln, Alemania. 17 noviembre 2021. Key-note lecture – Invited conference. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; TAYLOR, R. Cueva de la Dehesilla: Estudio arqueológico y paleoambiental para el conocimiento de la ocupación humana prehistórica de la Sierra de Cádiz. II Encuentro con el Patrimonio Arqueológico: Jerez y su entorno. Museo Arqueológico de Jerez, 3 noviembre 2021. Tipo de participación: Conferencia invitada. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.: Reciente hallazgo de cerámica impressa en el extremo sur de la península ibérica: el Neolítico antiguo del sondeo C003 de Cueva de la Dehesilla. Seminario Internacional Contextualizando la Cerámica Impressa: Horizontes culturales en la Península Ibérica. Museo de Historia de Barcelona. 29-30 de marzo 2019. Invited conference. |
PARDO-GORDÓ, S.; GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; BERNABEU, J. (2018): Who are you? Evidences of phylogenetic signal in the Neolithic Impresso-Cardial Complex, 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Barcelona, 5-8 de septiembre. Oral communication. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.: Evolución y sistemática en Arqueología. Research Centre for Anthropology and Health. Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 30 noviembre 2017. Key-note lecture – Invited conference. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.: The process of knowledge in phylogenetics: bases, assumptions, aims, and weaknesses, How wrong is my model? Empirical challenges in archaeology, history, and anthropology. Barcelona, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre, Residència d’Investigadors, 24-26 Mayo 2016. Invited conference. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.: Arqueología evolutiva. Sistemática en el estudio de la cultura humana, Simposio Internacional de Evolución. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, México. Cuernavaca, 5 diciembre 2014. key-note lecture – Invited conference. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.: Unravelling diversity in archaeology in the light of evolution. International Conference on Evolutionary Patterns. Horizontal and Vertical Transmission and Micro- and Macroevolutionary Patterns of Biological and Sociocultural Evolution. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Lisboa, Portugal, 27-29 de mayo 2013. Oral communication. |
Principais Publicações |
GARCÍA-RIVERO, D., GARCÍA-VIÑAS, E., PÉREZ-JORDÀ, G., TAYLOR, R., BERNÁLDEZ-SÁNCHEZ, E., & PEÑA-CHOCARRO, L. (2022): Human Ecology and the Southern Iberian Neolithic: An Approach from Archaeobotany and Archaeozoology. Journal of Field Archaeology. First online. |
CORTELL-NICOLAU, A., GARCÍA-PUCHOL, O., BARRERA-CRUZ, M., & GARCÍA-RIVERO, D. (2021): The spread of agriculture in Iberia through Approximate Bayesian Computation and Neolithic projectile tools. PloS one, 16(12), e0261813. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; TAYLOR, R.; UMBELINO, C.; CUBAS, M.; BARRERA CRUZ, M.; DÍAZ RODRÍGUEZ, M.J. (2021): Early Neolithic ritual funerary behaviours in the Westernmost regions of the Mediterranean: New insights from Dehesilla Cave (Southern Iberian Peninsula), Documenta Praehistorica 48: 298-327. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; TAYLOR, R.; UMBELINO, C.; […] PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, J. (2020): The exceptional finding of Locus 2 at Dehesilla Cave and the Middle Neolithic ritual funerary practices of the Iberian Peninsula, PLoS ONE 15(8): e0236961. (1/14). |
TAYLOR, R.; GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; GONÇALVES, C.; CASCALHEIRA, J.; BICHO, N. (2020): The Early Neolithic at the Muge Shellmiddens (Portugal): Analysis and review of the ceramic evidence from Cabeço da Amoreira, European Journal of Archaeology 24(2): 156-179. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; PÉREZ JORDÀ, G.; GARCÍA VIÑAS, E.; LÓPEZ SÁEZ, J.A.; TAYLOR, R.; PEÑA CHOCARRO, L.; BÉRNALDEZ SÁNCHEZ, E.; PÉREZ DÍAZ, S. (2019): Ecological patterns and use of natural resources during the neolithic of the south of the Iberian Peninsula: An update from the 6th to 4th millennia cal BC sequence of Dehesilla Cave, Quaternary Science Reviews 219: 218-235. |
PARDO GORDÓ, S.; GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; BERNABEU AUBAN, J. (2019): Evidences of branching and blending phenomena in the pottery decoration during the dispersal of the Early Neolithic across Western Europe, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23: 252-264. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; VERA RODRÍGUEZ, J.C.; DÍAZ RODRÍGUEZ, M.J.; BARRERA CRUZ, M.; TAYLOR, R.; PÉREZ AGUILAR, L. G.; UMBELINO, C. (2018): La Cueva de la Dehesilla (Sierra de Cádiz): vuelta a un sitio clave para el Neolítico del sur de la península ibérica. Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia 69: 123-144. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D. (2016): The evolution of anthropomorphism in the Neolithic engraved plaques of Southwestern Iberian Peninsula: a systematic approach from Phylogenetics, Archaeological & Anthropological Sciences 9(8): 1689-1714. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D.; O’BRIEN, M.J. (2014): Phylogenetic analysis shows that Neolithic slate plaques from the Southwestern Iberian Peninsula are not genealogical recording systems, PLoS ONE 9 (2): e88296. |
GARCÍA RIVERO, D. (2013): Arqueología y evolución. A la búsqueda de filogenias culturales. Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. |
Projectos de Investigação |
Reference: PGC2018-096943-A-C22; Title: High-resolution chronology and cultural evolution in the South of the Iberian Peninsula (circa 7000- 4000 cal BC): a multiscalar approach; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, I+D Excelencia, Generación Conocimiento, 2018, PI: Daniel García Rivero; Universidad de Sevilla; 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2021; 59.290 €; Principal Investigator. |
Referencia: SBPLY/21/180801/000018; Título: Arte Prehistórico en el Campo de Hellín; Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Castilla La-Mancha, Convocatoria de Proyectos de Investigación del Patrimonio Arqueológico y Paleontológico; IP: Mónica Solís Delgado; UNED; 16/07/2021-30/11/2021; 6.539,17€; Investigador. |
Reference: ALG-01-0145-FEDER-29680; Title: MugePortal – Concheiros de Muge: A new portal for the last hunter-gatherers of the Tagus Valley; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia 2017, PI: Célia Gonçalves; Universidade do Algarve; Start-End dates: 01/07/2018 – 30/06/2021; 239.860,71€; Researcher. |
Title: At the turning of the tide: the last hunter-gatherers and the first farming communities and of Muge (Central Portugal); EarthWatch, USA, PI: Nuno Bicho, Célia Gonçalves, João Cascalheira & Lino André; Direçao Geral do Patrimonio Cultural; Start-End dates: 01/08/2018 – 30/09/2021; 50.000€ /year; Researcher. |
Title: El Proyecto Cueva de La Dehesilla: Estudio arqueológico y paleoambiental para el conocimiento de la ocupación humana prehistórica de la Sierra de Cádiz; Proyecto General de Investigación de la Junta de Andalucía; PI: Daniel García Rivero; Universidad de Sevilla; 02/07/2015 – 01/07/2021, Extension: 02/07/2021 – 01/07/2027; Director. |
Reference: HAR2013-44269-P; Title: El tránsito Paleolítico medio-superior en el Sur de Iberia (50-20 ka BP): marco cronológico y ambiental y procesos de cambios tecnológicos, económicos y sociales; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, I+D+i Excelencia 2013, PI: Miguel Cortés Sánchez; Universidad de Sevilla; Start-End dates: 26/06/2014 – 25/05/2017; 28.000 €; Researcher. |
Reference: PTDC/HIS-ARQ/112156/2009; Title: The last hunter-gatherers of Muge (Portugal): the origins of social complexity; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Ministérico da Ciência e Ensino Superior, Portugal; PI: Nuno Bicho; University of Algarve; Start-End dates: 01/04/2011 – 31/07/2014; Researcher. |
He has also directed or participated in archaeological projects at some emblematic prehistoric sites along the Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, such as Cabeço da Amoreira (Muge, Portugal), Cueva de La Dehesilla (Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz), Cueva de los Murciélagos (Zuheros, Córdoba), Cueva Chica de Santiago (Cazalla de la Sierra, Sevilla), San Blas (Cheles, Badajoz). |
Creative Output |
In progress: Scientific Documentary “What ideas told the ground”. Expected along 2023. |
Conferences Cycle: “Proyecto General de Investigación ‘Cueva de la Dehesilla’. Resultados 2015-2021”. University of Seville. 2022. |
Contrato Personal Técnico de Apoyo a la Gestión de I+D+i (“Garantía Juvenil” program through the Junta de Andalucía- FEDER funds), associated to Project PGC2018-096943-A-C22 “High-resolution chronology and cultural evolution in the South of the Iberian Peninsula…”. Role: Researcher responsible for the contract. Duration: 2 years (2020-2022). |
Proyecto FACTUS (Formación Arqueológica de Campo y Territorio en la Universidad de Sevilla). Cueva de la Dehesilla. Vicerrectorado de Docencia, University of Seville. 2019-2021: 20.100,00€. Role: Co-coordinator. |
VII Congreso Internacional de Neolítico en la Península Ibérica. Universidad de Sevilla. 29 enero-01 febrero 2020. Organiser/Scientific committee. |
Convenio Fundación PALARQ/Universidad de Sevilla. 5.000,00€. Role: Funding recipient. 2020. |
XIII Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría. Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal, 16-19 octubre 2019. Organising committee. |
Convenio Financiación PGI Cueva de la Dehesilla/Centre for Anthropology and Health, Universidade de Coimbra. 2017-2019: 23.500,00€. Role: Co-coordinator. |
Photographic exhibition ‘Proyecto Cueva de La Dehesilla: un recorrido a través de luz y sombras’. Galleries: Universidad de Sevilla, Museo Arqueológico de Jerez de la Frontera and Casa de Cultura de Algar. Role: Commissaire and opening speaker ‘El proyecto Cueva de La Dehesilla: presente y futuro’. 2016-2017. |