Ana Lema Seabra is a bioarchaeologist with a Master’s Degree in Evolution and Human Biology (2012) by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra and holds a First Degree in Archaeology (2008) undertaken at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. As a student, she participated in various national and international projects like the Stonehenge Riverside Project and the Bonemedleg Project. She worked as an intern, at the Museum of Archaeology in Arganil through a PEPAL internship, and at the Diretorate General of Cultural Heritage -DGPC through a CEI-Património internship gaining experience in inventory registry and management of information. In 2014 she began working as a freelance bioarchaeologist undertaking field work for a number of commercial archaeology companies in Portugal. Currently she is undertaking a PhD at the University of Coimbra with the theme “Death and Identity, Funerary Practices in Portugal during the Middle Ages to Early Modern Period” for which she was awarded a FCT Ciencia e Patrimonio scholarship. Previously she had been a recipient of the Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship grant award (2018/2019) which had enabled her to begin the data collection for her PhD.

Ana Lema Seabra
Perfil Orcid
Perfil Ciência Vitae
Interesses de Investigação |
Burial Practice |
Funerary Rites |
Identity |
Middle Ages |
Early Modern Period |
Principais Publicações |
Lema Seabra A.2018 How she was laid to rest. Theoretical Perspective on Bioarchaeology of Gender and Identity in Medieval and Modern Portugal pp179-193 Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica 22/1 Archaeology of Women |
Mortuary Practices and Bioarchaeological Reconstruction Mihai Gligor and Andrei Soficaru [ed] Editura Mega |
Seabra, A. 2020. Os lóios do porto: uma perspetiva integrada no panorama funerário da Baixa Idade Média à Época Moderna em meios urbanos em Portugal in Arqueologia em Portugal / 2020 – Estado da Questão. AAP Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses – |