Home 5 Pessoas 5 Ana Lema Seabra

Ana Lema Seabra

Perfil Orcid

Perfil Ciência Vitae

Interesses de Investigação
Burial Practice
Funerary Rites
Middle Ages
Early Modern Period

Ana Lema Seabra is a bioarchaeologist with a Master’s Degree in Evolution and Human Biology (2012) by the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra and holds a First Degree in Archaeology (2008) undertaken at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto. As a student, she participated in various national and international projects like the Stonehenge Riverside Project and the Bonemedleg Project. She worked as an intern, at the Museum of Archaeology in Arganil through a PEPAL internship, and at the Diretorate General of Cultural Heritage -DGPC through a CEI-Património internship gaining experience in inventory registry and management of information. In 2014 she began working as a freelance bioarchaeologist undertaking field work for a number of commercial archaeology companies in Portugal. Currently she is undertaking a PhD at the University of Coimbra with the theme “Death and Identity, Funerary Practices in Portugal during the Middle Ages to Early Modern Period” for which she was awarded a FCT Ciencia e Patrimonio scholarship. Previously she had been a recipient of the Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship grant award (2018/2019) which had enabled her to begin the data collection for her PhD.  

Principais Publicações

Lema Seabra A.2018 How she was laid to rest. Theoretical Perspective on Bioarchaeology of Gender and Identity in Medieval and Modern Portugal pp179-193 Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica 22/1 Archaeology of Women

Mortuary Practices and Bioarchaeological Reconstruction Mihai Gligor and Andrei Soficaru [ed] Editura Mega

Seabra, A. 2020. Os lóios do porto: uma perspetiva integrada no panorama funerário da Baixa Idade Média à Época Moderna em meios urbanos em Portugal in Arqueologia em Portugal / 2020 – Estado da Questão. AAP Associação dos Arqueólogos Portugueses – http://museuarqueologicodocarmo.pt/publicacoes/outras_publicacoes/III_congresso_actas/artigos/Art8.12_IIICAAP.pdf