by CIAS Gestão | Dez 2, 2018 | Em Curso
Duration: 2018-2025 Abstract: FACTUS (Formación Arqueológica de Campo y Territorio de la Universidad de Sevilla – Field and Territory Archaeological Training at the University of Seville) is an implementation project for the coordination and...
by diogo.santos | Out 23, 2018 | Em Curso, Projetos
Duration: 2018 – 2023 Participants: Gonçalo Santos Partner institutions: City U. Hong Kong Financial support: – General Research Fund Grant as PI, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, RGC GRF HKU 17612719, 2019-2020, HK$950,000 (>€115,000EUR)– General...
by CIAS Gestão | Jul 28, 2018 | Projetos
Data de início e término: 2018-2022 Resumo: O projeto eBEfree visa testar a eficácia do programa de intervenção BEfree, para pacientes com obesidade e com Ingestão Alimentar Compulsiva, através de nova versão baseada em tecnologia da informação e comunicação (TIC). O...
by diogo.santos | Mai 17, 2018 | Projetos
Duration: 2018-2021 Abstract: The project aims to develop and expand our knowledge of the transition of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers to Neolithic farmers in central Portugal Coordinator (PI): Nuno Bicho, Célia Gonçalves, João Cascalheira and Lino André...
by diogo.santos | Mar 17, 2018 | Projetos
Resumo: O projeto apresenta uma abordagem transdisciplinar abrangente para compreender a organização socioeconómica das populações muçulmana e cristã no Portugal Medieval, através da investigação da sua dieta e da mobilidade. Duração: 2018-2021 Coordenador:...
by CIAS Gestão | Fev 28, 2018 | Projetos
Duration: 2018-2020 Abstract: The practice of cremation is often interpreted as an alternative to inhumation, shortly taking place after an individuals’ death. However, cremation could be a final stage in complex mortuary practices of bodily manipulation. At the...