Home 5 Projects 5 On Going 5 SCREEN HEALTH – Screen media use trajectories, inequalities, and long-term effects on children’s obesity and mental health (Duration: 2023–2026)

SCREEN HEALTH – Screen media use trajectories, inequalities, and long-term effects on children’s obesity and mental health (Duration: 2023–2026)

Duration: 03/2023 – 02/2026

Abstract: The SCREENHEALTH Project will be the first Portuguese 3-yr prospective study to document the impact of screen use trajectories on obesity and mental health among preschool children. It aims to: 1) identify the trajectories related to screen use in children aged 3-5yrs; 2) identify the socio-ecological factors that predict trajectory membership, 3) analyze the association between screen use trajectories and health-related behaviors, and 4) assess causal pathways (& direction) linking children’s screen use trajectories, obesity and mental health. The Project will adopt a socio-biological approach to follow a large sample of 3-5-yr-old children from Coimbra, Portugal.

Coordinator (PI): Daniela Rodrigues, CIAS, Universidade de Coimbra

Participants (CIAS): Aristides M. Machado-Rodrigues, Cristina Padez, Helena Nogueira

Partner institutions:

  • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil)
  • Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, E.P.E. – Hospital Pediátrico de Coimbra
  • University of Oulu (Finland)
  • Universidade do Porto – Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto
  • University of Sydney (Australia)

Financial support: Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (através de Fundos Europeus) – 243.868.88€

Reference: 2022.07652.PTDC