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Zihan Zhao

Orcid profile

Ciência Vitae profile

Research Interests
Chinese study
Rural area
Gender study
Elder Care

Social and cultural anthropologist. I completed my Chinese language and Literature undergraduate degree at Sichuan University(SCU). My master’s degree was finished in Chinese Language & Culture at the National University of Singapore(NUS).

Now I am a researcher at CIAS – Center for Research in Anthropology and Health, University of Coimbra, and research assistant at the Sci-Tech Asia international network, with interests focusing on Kinship systems in Chinese study and Elder Care in rural areas.   

Main Publications

赵子涵.(2021, July). 故事形态学在中国大陆的接受与研究, 才智, 73-74.

ISSN Number: ISSN1673-0208 / CN number: CN22-1357/C / Post Issue Number: 12-344

Research Projects

Research on the Mechanism of Meaning Generation and Interpretation of Internet Emoticons from the Perspective of Cognitive Symbols;

An Analysis of the Causes of Repeated Reading in the Context of Vulgarisation of Upgrade-Flow Novels – a Case Study of College Students in Sichuan Province

Creative Output

SCU Anthropological Documentary about the changes in urban and rural areas, the inheritance of religious Rrtuals