Susana has a PhD in Psychology from the University of Stirling (School of Natural Sciences), Scotland, United Kingdom. She is currently a researcher at CIAS – Center for Research in Anthropology and Health (Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra). Her research interests are human perceptions on other animal species and biodiversity in general and how they interfere with environmental conservation efforts according to a “one health” perspective. She has field work experience in Africa – particularly in Guinea-Bissau – and expertise in quantitative and qualitative data analysis. She has several publications on human/other animal relationships and regularly collaborates with the Graduate Program in Contemporary Cultural Studies at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (Brazil). She teaches on a regular basis in several public and private higher education institutions.

Susana Costa
Orcid profile
Ciência Vitae profile
Research Interests |
Psychology |
Ethology |
Multispecies ethnography |
Human/other animal relationships |
Social representations |
Anthropology of the environment and conservation |
Contemporary sociology |
Teaching |
From March to September 2022 – Lecturer of Ethology at Instituto Piaget Almada. |
From September 2018 to July 2019 – Invited lecturer at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (University of Lisbon), in the Master Degree of Anthropology and African Studies, in the graduation course on Communication Sciences (2nd year) and in the Post-Graduation course on Urban and Regional Cultural Planning. |
From March 2015 to July 2016 – Invited lecturer at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (University of Lisbon), in the Master Degree on Social Policies. |
From October 2009 to July 2012 – Invited lecturer at the Higher Institute of Social and Political Sciences (University of Lisbon), in the Post-Graduation Courses on Biological and Forensic Anthropology and Data Analysis with SPSS. |
October 2005/February 2007 – Lecturer of Ethology at the Higher Institute of Health Sciences Egas Moniz (South), in the Degree on Criminal Psychology. |
Main Publications |
Ferreira da Silva, M.J. F. Gerini, H. Teixeira, S. Costa, C. Casanova, R. Sá, E. Bersacola, K.J. Hockings, C. Pizzigalli, I. Aleixo Pais, T. Minhós, M.W. Bruford (2021) “Os babuínos da Guiné (Papio papio) na Guiné-Bissau: Uma revisão bibliográfica para a conservação da espécie. Sintidus. 4 (pp 75-104). |
Costa, S.& Casanova, C. (2020) “Crime ou Desordem de Acumulação de Animais? O papel das redes sociais no entendimento dos acontecimentos de Santo Tirso. Dossier Animais e Sociedade.”. Revista de Estudos de Sociologia (pp 147-172). |
Abonisio, J., E. Baptistella e S. Costa (2019) “Entre Laços e Gravatas: gênero e animais de companhia”. Caderno Electrônico de Ciências Sociais. 7:2 (pp 102-122). |
Costa, S., C. Casanova e P. Lee (2017) What does Conservation Mean for Women? The case of the Cantanhez Forest National Park. Conservation and Society. 15:2 (pp 168-178). |
Costa, S. (2013) Letting People Speak: The Importance of Locals’ Attitudes for Effective Conservation Programmes. Journal of Primatology. 2:122. doi:10.4172/2167-6801.1000e122. |
Costa, S., C. Casanova, C. Sousa e P.C. Lee (2013) The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Perceptions of Wildlife In Tombali (Guinea-Bissau, West Africa). Journal of Primatology. 2: 110. doi:10.4172/2167-6801.1000110. |
Costa, S., C. Casanova e P. Lee. Rural Men and Women’s Perceptions of Livelihood Risks in Relation to Cantanhez Protected Area, Guinea-Bissau (West Africa). (Submitted). |
Costa, S., C. S. Castro, C. Casanova and P. Lee. Human development and primate conservation: a comparison between the Guinean-Bissau and the Brazilian cases. (In Prep.) |
Amador, R., S. Costa, C. Casanova and P. Lee. Parks and People: The costs and benefits of protected areas for local livelihoods in two protected areas from a gender perspective, Guinea-Bissau, West Africa). (In Prep.) |
Articles |
Casanova, C., C. Sousa e S. Costa (2014) Are Animals and Forests Forever? Perceptions of wildlife at Cantanhez Forest National Park, Guinea-Bissau Republic. Memória, Environmental Anthropology number (Casanova, C. & S. Frias eds). Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (pp 69-104). |
Costa, S. e C. Casanova (2014) God, Nature and the Sacralisation of Human Beings: Perceptions of the Almada population, Portugal. Memória, Environmental Anthropology number (Casanova, C. & S. Frias eds). Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (pp 26-41). |
Casanova, C. e S. Costa (2016) Processos Psicobiológicos. In Fundamentos de Psicologia [Lopes, M.P., P. J. Da Palma e A. Lopes (Eds.)]. Lisboa, Edições MGI (pp 103-123). |
Costa, S., C. Casanova and P. Lee. (2021) Sociozoologic Models: Human Representations on Nonhumans Through a Conservation Perspective. Peoples, Nature and Environments: Learning to Live Together [Roque, A., C. Brito e C. Veracini (Eds.)]. Newcastle, Cambridge Scholar Publishing. |
Research Projects |
2017 – Investigadora do projecto “Percepção Humana Sobre os Animais: Aplicação da escala sociozoológica no Pantanal mato-grossense” (financiado pela Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso, Brazil). |
2012 – Investigadora do projecto “Local perceptions of climate change at the intersection of livelihoods and conservation: an integrated photovoice study in Cantanhez National Park, southern Guinea-Bissau” financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (EXPL/IVC-ANT/1709/2012). |
2004 – Colaboradora do projecto “Chimpanzee distribution and relation with local human communities in coastal area of Guinea-Bissau” financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (POCTI/ANT/57434/2004). |