BA in Social Sciences with emphasis in Anthropology, from the Federal University of Pará. Master in Communication Sciences by the Graduate Program in Communication, Culture and the Amazon. PhD student in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Coimbra. Assistant Researcher at the Sci-Tech Asia Network. Member of the Research Center for Anthropology and Health (CIAS) and the Sociality Intersubjectivity and Amazon Sensitivities Research Group (SISA)
Raoni Lourenço Arraes
Orcid profile
Ciência Vitae profile
Research Interests |
Amazon Region |
Technology |
Photography |
Environmental |
Anthropocene |
Main Publications |
ARRAES, Raoni L. O útil, o fim, e o Antropoceno: Ensaio Crítico sobre os manifestos de Ailton Krenak. N.º 38 (2021): Antropologia Portuguesa. p. 105-109. |
CASTRO, F. F. de ; ARRAES, Raoni L. ; CASTRO, M. R. N. . Fotografia e reterritorialização urbana. Saídas fotográficas e sensibilidade social em Belém.. LOGOS (UERJ. IMPRESSO), v. 25, p. 23-40, 2019. |
Creative Output |
1° Lugar in 2ª Edition of Photography Competition “N’um Olhar Antropológico” promovido pelo ISCSP. (2020) |
Honourable mention in International Competition of Ethnographic Photography “UrbanAct. Images of Environmental Action and Activism in the 21st century”. (2022) |
Solo Exposition “Violões” in project Tasca em Foco. (2022) |