Maria-Raquel G Silva is Researcher of the Human Biology, Health and Society Group at CIAS – UC.
She is Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Faculty of Health Sciences of University Fernando Pessoa, Oporto (Portugal).
She also collaborates with the CHRC – Nova Medical School of Lisbon in the Group of Sleep, Chronobiology and Sleep Disorders.
She is Pos-Doc in Neurosciences (Medical Faculty of Lisbon), where she conducted a first study on the sleep of elite athletes. She and Professor Teresa Paiva are the authors of the first book on Nutrition, Sleep and Circadian Rhythm in athletes published by a sport federation. She is Ph.D. in Nutrition Sciences (Faculty of Food and Nutrition Sciences, University of Oporto) and has a Licentiate Degree in Sport and Physical Education, specialization in Training of High Performance (Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Oporto, Portugal).
She holds the presidency of the Scientific Committee of the Gymnastics Federation of Portugal, where she is also a Nutrition expert.
She is a former rhythmic gymnast, coach and international judge.