Guilherme Queiroz (Coimbra, 1992) is a Medical Doctor currently finishing his residency in Public Health in ACES Baixo Vouga (Aveiro, Portugal) and Master of Public Health in the National School of Public Health. With CIAS-UC, he conducted the first population-based study on sickle cell trait in São Tomé e Príncipe. In the last years he completed internships at Fundação de Vigilância em Saúde do Amazonas (Brasil), ISGlobal Barcelona (Spain), Global Health and Tropical Medicine of NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal).

Guilherme Queiroz
Orcid profile
Ciência Vitae profile
Research Interests |
Planetary Health |
Sicke Cell Disease |
Vector-Borne Diseases |
Teaching |
Teacher of “International Health and Travel Medicine” in the International Public Health Specialization Course in Guiné-Bissau (2022) |
Main Publications |
Madeira, L.; Queiroz, G. & Henriques, R. (2023-04-27). Prepandemic psychotropic drug status in Portugal: a nationwide harmacoepidemiological profile. Scientific Reports, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-33765-0 |
Queiroz, G.; Sá, R.; Pinho-Bandeira, T.; Matos, J.; Carmo, S.; Pereira, T.; Leitão, R.; et al. (2021-11-11). Cordon sanitaire, a necessary evil? Evaluation of non-pharmacological interventions against COVID-19 in Ovar, Portugal. Acta Biomedica Atenei Parmensis. |
Sá, R.; Pinho-Bandeira, T.; Queiroz, G.; Ferreira, D.; Lopes, P.; Leitão, R., & Pedroso, M. J. (2020-09-01). Food safety in canteens: a public health programme in Aveiro region (Portugal) in 2018 and 2019. European Journal of Public Health. DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckaa166.187 |
Research Projects |
Sickle Cell Trait in São Tomé e Príncipe: a population-based study |
Shellfish and digestive disease in Ria de Aveiro, Portugal |