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Francisco Curate

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Ciência Vitae profile

Research Interests
Biological Anthropology
Forensic Anthropology

Francisco Curate (PhD) is a biological anthropologist.  He is currently an assistant researcher and teacher at the Research Centre for Anthropology and Health (Department of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Coimbra). He is the author of several articles in the fields of bioarchaeology, paleopathology, and forensic anthropology and has been researching human skeletal variation, bone health, bone loss and physical trauma in past populations. Human skeletal variation as a topic of research is a natural derivative of his interest on bone health, including the development of methods for sex and age at death estimation: most of these methods rely on different techniques, including machine-learning, online applications and medical imaging.


Teoria Social e Moderna (Licenciatura em Antropologia)

Perfil Biológico (Mestrado em Antropologia Forense)

História e Evolução da Antropologia Forense (Mestrado em Antropologia Forense)

Main Publications

Curate, F.; Navega, D.; Cunha, E.; Coelho, J. d’Oliveira DXAGE 2.0 — Adult Age at Death Estimation Using Bone Loss in the Proximal Femur and the Second Metacarpal. Int. J. Legal Med. 2022, 136, 1483–1494, doi:10.1007/s00414-022-02840-y.

Roca-Rada, X.; Tereso, S.; Rohrlach, A.B.; Brito, A.; Williams, M.P.; Umbelino, C.; Curate, F.; Deveson, I.W.; Souilmi, Y.; Amorim, A.; et al. A 1000-Year-Old Case of Klinefelter’s Syndrome Diagnosed by Integrating Morphology, Osteology, and Genetics. Lancet 2022, 400, 691–692.

Curate, F. The Estimation of Sex of Human Skeletal Remains in the Portuguese Identified Collections: History and Prospects. Forensic Sci. 2022, 2, 272–286, doi:10.3390/forensicsci2010021.

Curate, F.; d’Oliveira Coelho, J.; Silva, A.M. CalcTalus: An Online Decision Support System for the Estimation of Sex with the Calcaneus and Talus. Archaeol. Anthropol. Sci. 2021, 13, doi:10.1007/s12520-021-01327-y.

Pedrosa, M.; Ferreira, M.T.; Luís, L.A.; Maria, M.P.; Curate, F. The Association of Osteochemometrics and Bone Mineral Density in Humans. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 2021, 176, 434–444, doi:10.1002/ajpa.24283.

Research Projects

“Almada Velha: Valorização patrimonial do núcleo histórico urbano” (Câmara Municipal de Almada / Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas).

“Quinta do Almaraz: sociedade, economia e quotidianos durante o 1º milénio a.n.e.” (Câmara Municipal de Almada).

“Mesopotamos – Settlements from the 5th to the 1st millennium BC between the rivers Tagus and Zêzere” (Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo / Câmara Municipal de Proença-a-Nova).