Elizabete A. dos Santos is Dietitian, Master and PhD in Sciences with emphasis in Nutrition in Public Health at School of Public Health of the University of São Paulo (USP). Graduated in Nutrition at São Camilo University Center – Campus Ipiranga (2009); Professional Improvement in Hospital Nutrition at Emílio Ribas Institute of Infectious Diseases (2011); Specialist in Applied Human Nutrition and Nutrition Therapy at Insira Educational (2014). During one year was Voluntary Dietitian at the Child Obesity League of the Clinical Hospital of the USP School of Medicine. Currently is University Professor in undergraduate and graduate courses. Also is founder and coordinator of the Nutrine Kids Project, which aims to bring nutritional education to public school children, in order to prevent childhood obesity in low-income families.

Elizabete A. dos Santos
Orcid profile
Ciência Vitae profile
Research Interests |
Nutrition in public health |
Obesity |
Childhood obesity |
Body composition |
Vitamin D |
Sun exposure |
Teaching |
Teaching and Research Institute of Hospital Sírio Libanês: Invited Professor of Module XI: “Osteoporosis” of the Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Gynecology and Childhood & Adolescence Gynecology. (Fev/ 2021 – currently). |
Albert Einstein Israeli Teaching and Research Institute: Invited Professor at the Post-Graduate Nutrition in Non-Communicable Chronic Diseases (Class: Nutrition & Osteoporosis). (Jul/ 2020 – currently) |
Estácio University: Invited Professorof the Postgraduate Program in Clinical Nutrition: Metabolism, Practice and Nutritional Therapy (Nov/2021) |
Cogna Education: Content Professor – Elaboration of didactic material for the discipline “Nutritional care for the seriously ill”, consisting of: elaboration of questions (pre-class, post-class, end of unit, face-to-face test, discursive test), preparation and assembly of PPT slides , recording of video lessons, elaboration of the tutor’s script. (Total workload: 96 hours) |
Modern Nutrition (NM): Lecturer in the preparatory course “Residency in Nutrition” (Sep/20 to Sep/21). |
Faculty of Medicine Foundation – Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute / National Health Care Support Program for Persons with Disabilities (PRONAS) of the Ministry of Health: Content professor and speaker- Professor responsible for the Module “Approach to Nutrition in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Pain” in the “Improvement and Training Course in Rehabilitation of Chronic Pain”. (Feb/15 to Aug/15). |
Main Publications |
Dos Santos, EA.; Cavalheiro, LAM ; Rodrigues, D ; Machado-Rodrigues, A; Silva, M-R ; Nogueira, H ; Padez, C. Is more prolonged sun exposure associated with healthier life habits and obesity indicators in Portuguese children?. American Journal of Human Biology, v. e23918, p. 1-14, 2023. |
De França, NAG.; Peters, BSE; Dos Santos, EA ; Lima, MMS; Fisberg, RM. ; Martini, LA . Obesity Associated with Low Lean Mass and Low Bone Density Has Higher Impact on General Health in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. JOURNAL OF OBESITY (ONLINE), v. 2020, p. 1-10, 2020. |
Dos Santos, EA; Giudici, KV. ; De França, NAG.; Peters, BSE; Fisberg, RM ; Martini, LA. Correlations among vitamin K intake, body fat, lipid profile and glucose homeostasis in adults and the elderly. Archives of Endocrinology Metabolism, v. 64, p. 436-444, 2020. |
Dos Santos, EA; Giudici, KV. ; De França, NAG.; Peters, BSE; Fisberg, RM ; Martini, LA. Is the dietary intake of vitamin k associated with parameters of obesity among adolescents?.DEMETRA: Alimentação, Nutrição & Saúde, v. 14, p. e39079, 2019. |
Dos Santos, EA; Alves, VLR ; Ramos, S; Frangella, VS . Analysis of the dietary habits and nutritional status of patients with spinal cord injury after nutritional intervention. Acta Fisiatrica (USP), v. 21, p. 121-131, 2014. |
Research Projects |
Analysis of nutritional status, dietary habits and lifestyle in students at a public school in the municipality of São Paulo. Principal Investigator: Elizabete A. dos Santos. Duration: 2022 – currently |
Relationship between lifestyle determinants and sun exposure habits on the nutritional status of Portuguese children. Principal Investigator: Elizabete A.dos Santos. Duration: 2019- 2023. Scholarship holder of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES, Brazil |
Relationship between vitamin K intake, body fat, lipid profile and glucose homeostasis in adults and elderly. Principal Investigator: Elizabete A.dos Santos. Duration: 2016- 2018. Scholarship holder of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brazil. |
Analysis of eating habits and nutritional status of patients with spinal cord injury after nutritional intervention. Principal Investigator: Elizabete A.dos Santos. Duration: 2013- 2014 |
Comparative Analysis of Weight and Height Estimation Formulas for Hospitalized Patients. Principal Investigator: Elizabete A. dos Santos. Duration: 2010- 2011. Scholarship holder of the Administrative Development Foundation, FUNDAP, Brazil |
Correlation between Body Mass Index, calf circumference and adequacy of arm circumference in diagnosing the nutritional status of patients with HIV/AIDS. Principal Investigator: Elizabete A. dos Santos. Duration: 2010- 2011. Scholarship holder of the Administrative Development Foundation, FUNDAP, Brazil |