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Diéssica Silva

Orcid profile

Ciência Vitae profile

+351 911795650
Research Interests
Biological Anthropology
Forensic Anthropology

Double graduation in History (PUCRS) with studies related to material sources and bones as historical sources. Master degree in Forensic Anthropology (University of Coimbra) analyzing the differential preservation of osteological remains. PhD student in Biological Anthropology (University of Coimbra) studying pathologies in skeletons of slaves in Portugal between the 15th and 18th centuries. Research seeking the interdisciplinarity of studies (historical, archeological and anthropological) through the bones for a reconstruction of the past of populations and/or individuals, at a biological, cultural and social level.

Research Projects

Patologias presentes em escravizados (Séc. XV-XVIII) encontrados em Lagos/PT