MsC in Prehistoric Archaeology (Department of Geology, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal; Universitat Rovira I Virgili, Spain) and PhD in Anthropology/Bioarchaeology (Department of Life Sciences, University of Coimbra). Her dissertation dealt with biological affinities of prehistoric Iberian populations based on dental discrete morphology. She is a permanent professor at the undergrad and graduate courses of Archaeology at the Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Brazil. She is the coordinator of the Laboratory of Osteoatchaeology (UFPI) and of the Research Group of Bioarchaeology of Northeast Brazil (BioarqueoNE, CNPq). She has directed works on Archaeology and Bioarchaeology both in Portugal and Brazil (most of them on Prehistoric Archaeology). Her main research interests include dental Anthropology, Anthropologie de Terrain, ante- and post-mortem intentional and non-intentional alterations to human remains and paleobiology of Brazilian indigenous populations. In recent years she has worked on the paleobiology of archaeological individuals and populations from Amazonia and Northeast Brazil.

Claudia Cunha
Orcid profile
Ciência Vitae profile
Research Interests |
Dental Anthropology |
Anthropologie de Terrain |
Funerary Anthropology |
Teaching |
Bioarchaeology (undergrad and graduate levels in Archaeology) Dental Anthropology (graduate courses in Archaeology and Dentistry) Funerary Anthropology (undergrad and graduate levels in Archaeology) Human Evolution (undergrad course in Archaeology) Brazilian Archaeology (undergrad course in Archaeology) Zooarchaeology (undergrad course in Archaeology) |
Main Publications |
Cunha, Claudia; Silva, W. F. V. E.; Silva, A. B. C.; Silva, F. C. D. E. 2021. Bioarqueologia do Indivíduo Exumado do Sítio Cucuíra – Ponta de Pedras, Pará, Brasil In CADERNOS DO LEPAARQ (UFPEL), vol. XVIII, 282-302. |
Cunha, Claudia; Marques, F. L. T.; Fonseca, D.B.; Benathar, C.; Farage, E.; Lima, H. P.; Benchimol, A. 2019. Forgotten Matzevot Kevurah: Ethnoarchaeological Research of the Jewish Cemetery in Gurupá, Pará, Brazil In Antropologia Portuguesa, vol. 36, 141-163. |
Cunha, Claudia; SILVA, A.M.; TOMÉ, T.; Valera, A.C. 2018. The hand that threads the needle can also draw the arrow: the case of Bela Vista 5 In Annales Universitatis Apulensis – Series Historic, vol. 22, 117-130. |
SILVA, A.M.; TOMÉ, T.; Cunha, Claudia; D’OLIVEIRA COELHO, J.; Valera, A.C.; FILIPE, V.; SCOTT, G.R. 2018. Unilateral absence of mandibular condyle in a Bronze Age male skeleton from Portugal. International Journal of Paleopathology, vol. 22, 168-172. |
Lima, H. P.; Cunha, Claudia. 2017. Reassessing Museum Archaeological Collections: Unprecedented Osteological and Ceramic Data for the Sucuriju site at the Urubu River, Central Amazon, Brazil In BOLETIM DO MUSEU PARAENSE EMÍLIO GOELDI. CIÊNCIAS HUMANAS, vol. 12, 649-665 |
Research Projects |
Bioarchaeology as Tool for Understanding Human Adaptation and Population History in Northeast Brazil. Institutional Research Project at Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Brazil |