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Ana Luísa Santos

Orcid profile

Ciência Vitae profile

Research Interests
Porous skeletal lesions

PhD in Anthropology, specialization in Biological Anthropology, and professor in the Department of Life Sciences at the University of Coimbra. Member of the Center for Research in Anthropology and Health (CIAS), a collaborator at the Center for Functional Ecology (CEF) and an external collaborator at the Unidad de Investigación en Bioarqueología y Antropología Forense at the University of Buenos Aires.

Her research focuses on Biological Anthropology, Bioarcheology, and Paleopathology, with an emphasis on the biocultural and multidisciplinary study of the health and disease in past populations, the history of anthropology, and museum collections. She has authored approximately 160 publications based on research conducted in Portugal, Jamaica, Argentina, Brazil and Spain. She has supervised 13 postdoctoral researchers, 14 PhD and 50 MSc students. She serves as an associate editor of the International Journal of Paleopathology.

She was vice-president of the Paleopathology Association, and vice-president of the Asociación Española de Paleopatología, board member of the Portuguese Anthropology Association, editor of the journal Antropologia Portuguesa, and coordinator of both the Master’s in Human Evolution and Biology and the PhD in Anthropology, and Subdirector of Department of Life Sciences. She has co-organized several scientific conferences. Her contributions have been recognized with the Eve Cockburn Service Award (2021) from the Paleopathology Association and the “Heart of PAMinSA” award (2023).



Introduction to Biological Anthropology


Laboratory for the Preparation of Scientific Works
Paleopathology of Human Populations
Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Paleopathology
Forensic Taphonomy


Science, Education and Culture
Museological Theory and Practice

Main Publications

Santos, A. L. 2024. Paleopatologia. Souza, C. D.; Tacla, A. B. (Org.) Dicionário de Arqueologia Funerária. Belo Horizonte, Fino Traço Editora Ltda. 99-106. DOI: 10.52884/eft-978-85-8054-657-6

Santos, A. L.; Magalhães, B. M.; Roggio, C. 2023. Changes in mortality by tuberculosis in non-industrialized Coimbra (Portugal): trends between 1861 and 1914. Tuberculosis, 143: 102394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tube.2023.102394

Schug G. R.; Buikstra, J. E.; DeWitte, S. N.; Baker, B. J.; Berger, E.; Buzon, M. R.; Davies-Barrett, A. M.; Goldstein, L.; Grauer, A. L.; Gregoricka, L. A.; Halcrow, S. E.; Knudson, K. J.; Larsen, C. S.; Martin, D. L.; Nystrom, K. C.; Perry, M. A.; Roberts, C. A.; Santos, A. L.; Stojanowski, C. M.; Suby, J. A.; Temple, D. H.; Tung, T. A.; Vlok, M.; Watson-Glen, T.; Zakrzewski, S. R. 2023. Climate change, human health, and resilience in the Holocene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(4) e2209472120 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2209472120

Buikstra, J. E.; DeWitte, S. N.; Agarwal, S. C.; Baker, B. J.; Bartelink, E. J.; Berger, E.; Blevins, K. E.; Bolhofner, K.; Boutin, A. T.; Brickley, M. B.; Buzon, M. R.; de la Cova, C.; Goldstein, L.; Gowland, R.; Grauer, A. L.; Gregoricka, L. A.; Halcrow, S. E.; Hall, S. A.; Hillson, S.; Kakaliouris, A. M.; Klaus, H. D.; Knudson, K. J.; Knusel, C. J.; Larsen, C. S.; Martin, D. L.; Milner, G. R.; Novak, M.; Nystrom, K. C.; Pacheco-Forés, S. I.; Prowse, T. L.; Robbins Schug, G.; Roberts, C. A.; Rothwell, J. E.; Santos, A. L.; Stojanowski, C.; Stone, A. C.; Stull, K. E.; Temple, D. H.; Torres, C. M.; Marla Toyne, J.; Tung, T. A.; Ullinger, J.; Wiltschke-Schrotta, K.; Zakrzewski, S. R. 2022. Twenty-first century bioarchaeology: Taking stock and moving forward. Yearbook of Biological Anthropology, 178(S74): 54-114. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24494

Santos, A. L. 2018. Skulls and skeletons from documented, overseas and archaeological excavations: Portuguese trajectories. In: O’Donnabhain, B.; Lozada, M. (Eds.). Archaeological Human Remains: Legacies of Imperialism, Communism and Colonialism. Cham, Springer, p. 111-125. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-89984-8_8

Research Projects

Análisis bioarqueológicos en contexto de epidemias en el sitio Cementerio Sud (San Andrés de Giles, provincia de Buenos Aires, siglos XIX y XX) desde una aproximación multidisciplinar. Investigador principal: Leandro Luna. Entidade financiadora: Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina (PICT-2021-I-GRF1).

Genetic Legacies
Utrecht University and Harvard Medical School

Creative Output

The meeting on Porous Skeletal Lesions marked a significant milestone on the study of cribra.

Co-author of a novel methodological approach for sex estimation in prepubertal non-adults using the auricular surface of the ilium.

Consolidation of new bone formation on the visceral surface of the ribs as an indicator of pulmonary tuberculosis.