Graduated in History from Estácio de Sá University. Graduating in Biological Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. She holds a Master’s degree in Local Development from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco. In her PhD in Archaeology at the Federal University of Pernambuco, she conducts research on the oral health of human remains in Recife Antigo, Pernambuco, Brazil. She has been involved in archaeological excavations since 1998. As a Visiting Researcher at the Research Center in Anthropology and Health at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, she completed a doctoral internship titled “The Oral Health of Human Remains from CIAS Archaeological Collections,” and is a beneficiary of the CAPES Sandwich Doctoral Program abroad, from May to October 2024. Her academic trajectory includes experiences in Historical Archaeology, Bioarchaeology, Archaeological Collection Management, Heritage Education, and Sustainable Development. Her research focuses on Archaeology, Bioarchaeology, Dental Anthropology, and Human Evolution. She is an active member of several academic initiatives, including the Archaeological Teaching and Research Center/NEPARQ-UFRPE, the Laboratory of Archaeometric Studies/LEARQ-UFPE, and the research group in Archaeometry, Conservation, and Human Biology/UFPE-CNPQ, as well as BIOARQUEO, a group dedicated to Bioarchaeology in the Brazilian Northeast at the Federal University of Piauí – UFPI. Additionally, she is a full member of the Brazilian Archaeology Society – SAB.

Alexsandra Siqueira
Orcid profile
Ciência Vitae profile
Research Interests |
Archaeology |
Bioarchaeology |
Dental Anthropology and Human Evolution |
Main Publications |
1. SIQUEIRA, Alexsandra M.; SULLASI, H. S. L. ; CUNHA, C. M. S. Reading in the Teeth: Health, Demography and Ancestry in Recife Antigo. In: I Symposium on Recife Studies: Rethinking the metropolis, 2023, Recife. Reading in the Teeth: Health, Demography and Ancestry in Recife Antigo. Recife: UFRPE university press, 2023. v. 1. p. 82-86. 2. BORGES, C.; SIQUEIRA, Alexsandra M. ; Ana Lúcia Nascimento Oliveira; CUNHA, C. M. S. ; OLIVEIRA, R. I. ; Suely Cristina Albuquerque de Luna. From Mauritsstad to the Pilar community: historical archeology in the urban context of Recife, Pernambuco. In: National Museum Historical Archeology Week, 2022, Rio de Janeiro. Historical Archeology Week at the National Museum. Rio de Janeiro: National Museum, Federal University of RJ, 2022. 3. SIQUEIRA, Alexsandra M.; SULLASI, H. S. L.: CUNHA, C. M. S. READING IN YOUR TEETH: Health, Demography and Ancestry in Recife Antigo. 2023. 4. CARVALHO, Barbara; NASCIMENTO, W. R. C. ; DUARTE, J. M. ; BORGES, C.; SIQUEIRA, Alexsandra M. ; CUNHA, C. M. S. ; Ana Lúcia Nascimento Oliveira; Suely Cristina Albuquerque de Luna. The history of colonial Recife through parasites: A preliminary Paleoparasitological Analysis. 2023. 5. SIQUEIRA, Alexsandra M.; Suely Cristina Albuquerque de Luna. Recife Customs: Archaeological and Heritage Rescue. 2003. |
Research Projects |
1. Reading in the Teeth: Oral Health of Human Remains in Recife Antigo – PE. 2. The Oral Health of Human Remains from the Cova da Moura Archaeological Collection of the Anthropology and Health Research Center of the University of Coimbra – CIAS. 3. Archaeological Monitoring of Quadra 40,45,46,25 and 55 Housing Implementation in the Community of Pilar in Recife Antigo – PE. |
Creative Output |
1. Development of website and application for exhibition and dissemination of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Alagoinha – PE / Brazil. 2. Website development for Instituto Ouricuri – PE / Brazil. 3. Website development for the Archaeometric Studies Laboratory /LEARQ. |