by diogo.santos | Feb 17, 2020 | Projects
Duration: 2020-2022 Abstract: The primary goal of the VAPP Project is to document and interpret patterns of external and internal dental morphological variation among prehistoric humans spanning the Upper Paleolithic to Bronze Age of Portugal. A biocultural...
by diogo.santos | Jan 17, 2020 | Projects
Duration: 2020-2021 Abstract: O objectivo deste projeto é abordar as mudanças culturais ocorridas entre o Neolítico final e a Idade do Ferro (4º e 1º milénios a.n.e.) na região do Sudoeste da Península Ibérica recorrendo à análise da mobilidade, dieta e...
by CIAS Gestão | Jan 16, 2020 | Projects
Duration: 2020 Abstract: Neutron imaging at IMAT will be applied to the study of burned human skeletal remains, for assessing heat-induced changes associated to alterations in bone ́s microcrystallinity. This work follows successful experiments on MAPS, TOSCA and GEM...
by CIAS Gestão | Jan 15, 2020 | Projects
Duration: 2020 Abstract: Neutron spectroscopy is applied to study bones exposed to anaerobic burning. The results will complement previous data on skeletal remains burned in an aerobic setting, through INS, FTIR and Raman, and neutron diffraction, with a view to...
by diogo.santos | Apr 17, 2019 | Projects
Duration: 2019-2022 Abstract: Apresenta-se aqui um projeto de pesquisa em Bioarqueologia, eminentemente interdisciplinar a ser implementado pela proponente na região foco do interesse de pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI): a Região Nordeste do Brasil....
by diogo.santos | Mar 17, 2019 | Projects
Duration: 2019-2022 Abstract: Os materiais biológicos que serão intervencionados no Laboratório de Arqueologia e Estudos de Tecnologia (LATEC) da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI) consistem em remanescentes humanos e itens de cultura material que compunham...