Duration: 16/09/2021-15/01/2022
Abstract: The project has pursued a dual objective. On one hand, it aimed to study the evolution of rural settlement in the Municipality of Santaella (Cordoba, Spain) from Prehistory to the Contemporary Age. In this regard, archaeological surveys have been carried out, with special attention given to the Protohistoric, Roman, and Late Antique Periods. On the other hand, a Heritage Charter has been developed, which has served as a tool for heritage management for the municipal and regional governments.
Coordinator: Mercedes Oria-Segura
Participants: Enrique García-Vargas, Luis-Gethsemaní Pérez-Aguilar (CIAS)
Financial support: Contrato com empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU), Ayuntamiento de Santaella e a Universidad de Sevilla
Reference: 4325/1133