Casanova, C. (in press). [Introduction to Biological Anthropology: Evolutionary Principles, Genetics, Primatology and Human Evolution]. Lisbon: ISCSP – Universidade de Lisboa.
Filho RF, de Castro CSS, CASANOVA C et al. 2021. Uses of nonhuman primates by humans in northeastern Brazil, PRIMATES, 62:777:88. (Factor de Impacto: 2,163) Available at:
Vasconcelos S, Azevedo J, CASANOVA C et al. 2021. Can the Visits of Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) Influence the Mental Health (Anxiety and Depression) of Male Aging Patients Institutionalized with Dementia in Health Care Units? A Pilot Study of Madeira Island, Portugal, PEOPLE AND ANIMALS: THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH AND PRACTICE, 4 (1), Article 1. Available at:
Pereira, AS; Rebelo, ID; CASANOVA, C; Lee, P and Louca, V. 2020. The multidimensionality of female mandrill sociality—A dynamic multiplex network approach”. PLoS ONE, 15 4. 2020: e0230942. (Factor de impacto: 3.240). Available at:
Ferreira da Silva, M (…) CASANOVA, C; Lecoq, M; Silva, C; Burford, MW; Varanda, J & Minhós, T. 2020. Chasing a ghost: notes on the presente distribution and conservation of the sooty mangabey (Cercocebus atys) In Guinea-Bissau, West Africa, Primates, 61: 357-63 (Último factor de impacto: 1.70).
Salvaterra, G. & CASANOVA, C 2020. “Cantanhez National Park: how people perceive lansdcapes”. In Modos de Fazer/Ways of Making, Oliveira Jorge, V (Ed.), Pp 183-195. Porto: editado por CITCEM – UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO.
Pereira AS, Rebelo ID., CASANOVA C, Lee PC, Louca V. 2019. The dynamics of grooming interactions: maintenance of partner choice and the consequences of demographic variation for female mandrills. PEERJ 7:e6332 (Impact factor 2.379)
Ferreira da Silva, M; GH Koop; C CASANOVA, C; R Godinho, T. Minhos, R. Sá, D. Zinner and MW Bruford 2018. Disrupted dispersal and its genetic consequences: Comparing protected and threatened baboon populations (Papio papio) in West Africa, PLOS ONE, Impact factor: 2.776
Costa, S; C. CASANOVA and PC Lee. 2017. What Does Conservation Mean for Women? The Case of the Cantanhez Forest National Park, CONSERVATION AND SOCIETY, 15(2): 168-178. (DOI:10.4103/cs.cs_14_91). Factor de impacto: 1.652
CASANOVA, C. 2016. [Are the non-humans the ultimate “others” in Anthropology? Representations on human superiority], TRABALHOS DE ANTROPOLOGIA E ETNOLOGIA, 56:106-134 (ISSN 2183-0266).
Minhós T, Chikhi L, Sousa C, Vicente L, Da Silva MJ, Heller R, CASANOVA C, Bruford M 2016. Genetic consequences of human forest exploitation in two colobus monkeys in Guinea Bissau, BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 194:194-208. (DOI: Factor de impacto: 4.022
Sousa, MJ; L Vicente; S Gippoliti; C CASANOVA and C Sousa. 2014, Local knowledge and perceptions of chimpanzees in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, 76(2):122-134. (DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22215). Factor de impacto: 2.435
Sousa, MJ; C. CASANOVA; AV Barata & C Sousa. 2014. The effect of canopy closure on chimpanzee nest abundance in Lagoas de Cufada National Park, Guinea-Bissau, PRIMATES, 55(2): 283-292. (DOI: 10.1007/s10329-013-0402-2). Factor de impacto: 1.337
Ferreira da Silva, MJ, R Godinho, C CASANOVA, T. Minhós, R. Sá & M. W. Bruford. 2014. Assessing the impact of hunting pressure on population structure of Guinea baboons (Papio papio) in Guinea-Bissau. CONSERVATION GENETICS (DOI 10.1007/s10592-014-0621-0) Factor de impacto: 2.185
Sousa. J; L Vicente, S Gipolitti, C CASANOVA and C. Sousa. 2013. Local Knowledge and Perceptions of Chimpanzees in Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau, AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY (DOI: 10.1002/ajp.22215). Factor de impacto: 2.136
Ferreira da Silva; MJ; C CASANOVA & R Godinho 2013. On the western fringe of baboon distribution: mitochondrial D-loop diversity of Guinea Baboons (Papio papio Desmarest, 1820) (Primates: Cercopithecidae) in Coastal Guinea-Bissau, western Africa, JOURNAL OF THREATENED TAXA, 5(10): 4441-4450. (DOI: 10.11609/JoTT.o3216.4441-50). (EBSCO, Index Copemicus, Scopus, NAAS rating 5.10).
Costa, S, CASANOVA C, Sousa C, Lee P 2013. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Perceptions of Wildlife In Tombali (Guinea-Bissau, West Africa). JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, 2: 110. (DOI: 10.4172/2167-6801.1000110).
Klailova M, CASANOVA C, Henschel, Lee, PC, Rovero, F and Todd, A. 2013. Non-human predator interactions with wild great apes in Africa and the use of camera traps to study their dynamics. FOLIA PRIMATOLOGICA, 83:312–328 (DOI:10.1159/000342143). Factor de impacto: 1.037
Sousa, J.; A Barata; C. Sousa; C CASANOVA E L Vicente. 2011. Chimpanzee oil-palm use in southern Cantanhez National Park, Guinea-Bissau AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PRIMATOLOGY, 73:1-13 (DOI: 10.1002/ajp.20926). Factor de impacto: 2.221
CASANOVA, C. 2010. Evolution, Primates and Charles Darwin, ANTROPOLOGIA PORTUGUESA, Vol.26: 209-236. (DOI: Capítulos de livros
CASANOVA, C.; C. Sousa and S Costa. 2014. Are Animals and Forests Forever? Perceptions of Wildlife at Cantanhez Forest National Park, Guinea-Bissau Republic. In Casanova C. and S. Frias (Eds), MEMÓRIA (Special issue in Anthropology and Environment), Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa: Lisboa. Pp. 69-104.
Costa, S. and C. CASANOVA. 2014. God, Nature and the Sacralisation of Human Being: Perceptions of the Almada population, Portugal. In Casanova C. and S. Frias (Eds), MEMÓRIA (Special issue in Anthropology and Environment), Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa: Lisboa. Pp. 26-41.
CASANOVA, C. and C. Sousa 2013. “Can religious affiliation interfer with perceptions and attitudes towards wildlife? The case of Cantanhez Forest National Park, Guinea-Bissau Republic” in ATAS DO COLÓQUIO INTERNACIONAL CABO VERDE E GUINÉ-BISSAU: PERCURSOS DO SABER E DA CIÊNCIA LISBOA, ISBN 978-989-742-004- 7©Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Lisboa, 2013. Colóquio Internacional Cabo Verde e Guiné-Bissau, 21-23 de Junho de 2012. IICT – Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical e ISCSP-UTL – Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. (e-Book)
CASANOVA, C. 2012. [ The role of Mendes Côrrea as a reference in Biological Anthropology in Portugal: Paths and trails]. In Martins, A. (org.) – A. E. MENDES CÔRREA (1888-1960), ENTRE A CIÊNCIA, A DOCÊNCIA E A POLÍTICA. Lisboa: CESP e ACD Editores. Pp: 85-127.