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Marta Roriz

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Ciência Vitae profile

Research Interests
Critical Medical Anthropology
Political Economy of Health
Obesity Studies
Social Determinants of Health
Health Inequalities

Marta Roriz is a social anthropologist, with a master’s degree in Medical Anthropology and a PhD awarded in Social Anthropology by the University of Coimbra. Her research and academic trajectory stands on the broader field of social studies of health, with particular relevance to medical anthropology, sociology of health and social movements in health fields, having participated in national and international research projects among these fields.

Currently, her research interests are related to the Political Economy of Health and the political determinants of obesity and metabolic diseases, as well as the uses of ethnographic methodologies applied to clinical contexts and to power and political spheres.


Marta Roriz has been invited a few times to teach on isolated seminars for PhD and master’s students namely on subjects like:

Ethics in Ethnography: submitting research to Ethical Committees

Qualitative Methods in Medical Anthropology Research

Anthropology and Biomedicine

Patient organizations and social movements in Health

Main Publications

Roriz, M. (2022). A medicalização da Obesidade em Portugal: dos contornos neoliberais às experiências locais de doença. Tese de Doutoramento.

Roriz, M. (2017). A regulação ética da investigação e os desafios postos às práticas etnográficas. Etnográfica.

Roriz, M. (2014). Coletivos sociais na saúde: o ativismo em torno das doenças raras e do parto em Portugal. In Saúde, Participação e Cidadania. Experiências do Sul da Europa, 175-194. Almedina.

Roriz, M. (2014). A foucauldian gaze at obesity: the intricacies of governing and bodies. In Engaging Foucault, 95-105.

Roriz, M. (2011). Modernidade e sofrimento: contribuições para o estudo do caso da perturbação de pânico. Configurações 8.

Research Projects

2014 – 2018 – Bolsa de Doutoramento FCT

2012 – 2013 – Projeto “Avaliação do estado do conhecimento público sobre saúde e informação médica em Portugal” Programa Harvard Medical School Portugal (HMSP-IISE/SAU-ICT/0003/2009)

2010- 2012 – EPOKS “European Patient Organizations in Knowledge Society”, financiado pela Comissão Europeia, ID: 230307.